
Little League Results for November

 Little League Team results for Nov
   Monthly Results
                          Olympic Monthly
place Team                 Points  Points
===== ==================== ====== =======

   1  Fishers of Men           59     890
   2  Consuming Fire           54     840
   3  Cross Bearers            50     660
   4  Keeping Watch            38     600
   5  Leaping for Joy          25     270
   6  Iowa Lukeyes             24     290
   7  Theophiloi               22     260
   8  Swords Drawn              0       0

   Cumulative Results
                           Olympic  Total
place Team                  Points Points
===== ==================== ======= ======

   1  Fishers of Men         124.8   1778
   2  Cross Bearers          120.0   1562
   3  Consuming Fire         113.8   1598
   4  Keeping Watch           92.6   1520
   5  Leaping for Joy         60.0    874
   6  Iowa Lukeyes            56.8    748
   7  Swords Drawn            41.0    520
   8  Theophiloi              36.4    472
 Little League Individual results for Nov
   Monthly Results
                         Monthly      OMC
place Quizzer             Points   verses
===== =================== ====== ========

   1   Kohl Hanson           540       44
   2   Micah Christofferson  520       44
   3   Grace Boyum           480       44
   4   Brett Unverzagt       460       23
   5   Gabriel Groothuis     360       44
   6   Ashton Hanson         270       27
   7   Libby Gibson          180       44
   8   Alicia Groothuis      170       44
   .   Alex Whalen           170       39
  10   Eric Howington        140       44
  11   Jacob Stoner          130       27
  12   Taylor Hanson         120       27
   .   Benjamin Carlson      120       44
  14   Laura Gibson          100       44
   .   Sarah Weieneth        100
  16   Solomon Groothuis      80       27
  17   Ryan Whalen            70       44
  18   Ben Gibson             60       39
   .   Elijah Duval           60       44
   .   Raven Landers          60
  21   Faith Boyum            40       20
   .   Grace Talmage          40       10
   .   Hannah McMillin        40       44
   .   Joshua Meyer           40
   .   Evan Golley            40       14
  26   Isaac Ruona             0       10
   .   Charity Rudlong         0
   .   Christina Marquez       0       10
  np   Danika Dahl            np       44
  np   Noah Dahl              np       44
  np   Nathan Knauer          np       44

 Little League Individual results for Nov
   Cumulative Results
                      Cumulative      OMC
place Quizzer             Points   verses
===== =================== ====== ========

   1   Kohl Hanson          1128       96
   2   Grace Boyum          1036       96
   3   Brett Unverzagt       902       47
   4   Micah Christofferso   874       96
   5   Gabriel Groothuis     862       96
   6   Alicia Groothuis      564       96
   7   Ashton Hanson         524       58
   8   Eric Howington        428       96
   9   Ryan Whalen           364       96
  10   Nathan Knauer         360       96
  11   Libby Gibson          316       96
  12   Taylor Hanson         284       46
  13   Laura Gibson          220       96
  14   Jacob Stoner          216       27
  15   Alex Whalen           204       79
  16   Grace Talmage         188       20
  17   Benjamin Carlson      184       96
  18   Nick Leonard          180       52
  19   Ben Gibson            172       68
  20   Faith Boyum           168       65
  21   Solomon Groothuis     156       79
  22   Charity Rudlong       140       13
  23   Raven Landers         132
   .   Elijah Duval          132       75
  25   Danika Dahl           120       96
   .   Sarah Weieneth        120
  27   Hannah McMillin       108       96
  28   Noah Dahl             100       96
  29   Joshua Meyer           68        6
  30   Gloria Talmage         60
  31   Evan Golley            48       15
  32   Caleb Ulbricht         20       10
  33   Isaac Ruona             0       20
   .   Christina Marquez       0       10

A/B League Results for November

 A/B League Team results for Nov
   Monthly Results
                          Olympic Monthly
place Team                 Points  Points
===== ==================== ====== =======

   1  Servants of the Word     59     800
   2  Spoken Against           57     920
   3  The Cherry Pickers       55     710
   4  Heir Force               54     710
   5  Questioned               42     620
   6  S.W.A.T.                 38     500
   7  Religilous               38     470
   8  I am your Father         38     460
   9  Memory Almost Full       36     470
  10  Security                 28     350
  11  Unforgotten Sparrows     25     430
  12  New & Improved Version   25     340
  13  To Be Announced          18     260

   Cumulative Results
                           Olympic  Total
place Team                  Points Points
===== ==================== ======= ======

   1  Spoken Against         132.4   2134
   2  Heir Force             130.8   1662
   3  Servants of the Word   114.8   1580
   4  The Cherry Pickers     107.0   1372
   5  I am your Father        93.6   1272
   6  Memory Almost Full      81.2   1044
   7  Religilous              73.6    864
   8  Questioned              69.4   1024
   9  Security                65.6    810
  10  S.W.A.T.                63.6    840
  11  Unforgotten Sparrows    59.0    896
  12  New & Improved Version  58.0    808
  13  To Be Announced         21.6    312
 A/B League Individual results for Nov
   Monthly Results
                         Monthly      OMC
place Quizzer             Points   verses
===== =================== ====== ========

   1   Alan Talmage          510      121
   2   John Talmage          470      121
   3   Joshua Stoner         440      121
   4   Jessica Nichols       410
   5   Danelle Murray        390
   6   Marie Morris          380      121
   7   Jeremy Marquez        360
   .   Laura Weieneth        360      121
   9   Daniel Weieneth       300
   .   Ben Raygor            300
  11   Isaiah Faas           290
  12   Ryan Golley           280       15
   .   Myles Hanson          280
   .   Seth Boyum            280       15
  15   Chase Hanson          220
   .   Brandon Golley        220       14
   .   Louisa Jobes          220
   .   Ben Weieneth          220
  19   Jenna Saunders        210      121
  20   Kristin Roberts       200
  21   Josiah McMillin       180      121
   .   Abby Rudlong          180       15
  23   Sebastian Groothuis   170
  24   Caleb Rain            160
  25   Micah Fass            150
  26   Amy Reinert           100
  27   Josie Morris           90       75
  28   Katie Roberts          80
   .   Noelle Adler           80
   .   Alissa Menting         80       15
  31   Ethan Adler            70
  32   Hannah Stoner          60       55
   .   Jaclynn Saunders       60
  34   Margaret Alexander     40
  35   Adam Huse              20
   .   Jeremiah Saunders      20
   .   Thor Alexander         20
  38   Heather Snead          10
  39   Taryn Golley            0
   .   Tanner Hanson           0
   .   Bretta Grabau           0
   .   Felicia Marquez         0
   .   Sarah Huse              0
   .   Michael Johnson         0
   .   Lucas Menting           0

 A/B League Individual results for Nov
   Cumulative Results
                      Cumulative      OMC
place Quizzer             Points   verses
===== =================== ====== ========

   1   Alan Talmage         1062      241
   2   Joshua Stoner         978      241
   3   John Talmage          924      241
   4   Jeremy Marquez        882
   5   Jessica Nichols       862
   6   Danelle Murray        808
   7   Marie Morris          756      241
   8   Laura Weieneth        652      241
   9   Daniel Weieneth       650
  10   Myles Hanson          646
  11   Ben Raygor            630
  12   Ryan Golley           576       30
  13   Jenna Saunders        572      228
  14   Ben Weieneth          564
  15   Caleb Rain            562
  16   Isaiah Faas           538
  17   Brandon Golley        454       29
  18   Seth Boyum            436       30
  19   Louisa Jobes          364       66
  20   Kristin Roberts       340
  21   Sebastian Groothuis   334      120
   .   Chase Hanson          334
  23   Abby Rudlong          236       75
  24   Josiah McMillin       216      241
   .   Noelle Adler          216
  26   Katie Roberts         196
  27   Jeremiah Saunders     184       15
  28   Micah Fass            180
  29   Josie Morris          148      156
  30   Ethan Adler           144
  31   Amy Reinert           120
  32   Hannah Stoner         112      175
  33   Taryn Golley          100
   .   Gabe Leonard          100       68
  35   Alissa Menting         96       15
  36   Jaclynn Saunders       92
   .   Heather Snead          92
  38   Thor Alexander         84
  39   Rebecca Rudlong        80
  40   Margaret Alexander     68
  41   Abby Leonard           60       56
  42   Felicia Marquez        40
   .   Bretta Grabau          40
   .   Tanner Hanson          40
  45   Adam Huse              24
  46   Mary Benson             0
   .   Joel Snead              0
   .   Sarah Huse              0
   .   Michael Johnson         0
   .   Jacob Rudlong           0
   .   Amber Rudlong           0
   .   Lucas Menting           0