
 Little League Team results for Oct
   Monthly Results
                          Olympic Monthly
place Team                 Points  Points
===== ==================== ====== =======

   1  Actstrordinary Quizzer   64    1140
   2  Great Joy                63    1110
   3  Actsplosion              43     780
   4  Tongues of Fire          41     660
   5  His Witnesses            41     600
   6  Jumping Fishhooks        41     590
   7  Three Roses              28     390
   8  The Five Uhs             26     360
   9  Knights of Truth and a   22     330
  10  Theophiloi               17     190

   Cumulative Results
                           Olympic  Total
place Team                  Points Points
===== ==================== ======= ======

   1  Actstrordinary Quizzer  64.0   1140
   2  Great Joy               63.0   1110
   3  Actsplosion             43.0    780
   4  Tongues of Fire         41.0    660
   5  His Witnesses           41.0    600
   6  Jumping Fishhooks       41.0    590
   7  Three Roses             28.0    390
   8  The Five Uhs            26.0    360
   9  Knights of Truth and a  22.0    330
  10  Theophiloi              17.0    190
 Little League Individual results for Oct
   Monthly Results
place Quizzer             Points 
===== =================== ====== 

   1   Daniel Miller         560    
   2   Ruth Muller           520    
   3   Ryan Golley           460    
   4   Isaiah Faas           440    
   5   Grace Boyum           420    
   6   Daniel Weieneth       400    
   7   Cheyenne Hanson       340    
   8   Josiah Murray         300     
   .   Josiah McMillin       300    
  10   John Talmage          280    
   .   Chase Hanson          280    
  12   Laura Gibson          240    
   .   Felicia Marquez       240    
  14   Kohl Hanson           230    
  15   Thor Alexander        220    
  16   Grace Talmage         200    
  17   Micah Christenson     180    
   .   Jacob Stoner          180    
  19   Hannah Stoner         160    
   .   Julia Christenson     160    
  21   Savaya Hirdler        140     
  22   Mariah Zuccarelli     100     
   .   Margaret Alexander    100     
  24   Sarah Weieneth         80     
  25   Libby Gibson           60     
   .   Matthew Hirdler        60     
  27   Rebekah Nagel          40     
   .   Joel Snead             40     
   .   Nathan Christenson     40     
   .   Katie Scruggs          40     
  31   Jose Marquez           20     
   .   Hannah Nagel           20     
   .   Emily Scruggs          20     
   .   Laura Snead            20     
   .   Christina Marquez      20     
  36   Abigail Christenson     0     
   .   Angelica Novinger       0     
   .   Rebekah Novinger        0     
   .   Joshua Novinger         0     
   .   Joshua Meyer            0     
   .   Brynn Strange           0     

 Little League Individual results for Oct
   Cumulative Results
place Quizzer             Points 
===== =================== ====== 

   1   Daniel Miller         560    
   2   Ruth Muller           520     
   3   Ryan Golley           460     
   4   Isaiah Faas           440     
   5   Grace Boyum           420     
   6   Daniel Weieneth       400     
   7   Cheyenne Hanson       340     
   8   Josiah Murray         300     
   .   Josiah McMillin       300     
  10   John Talmage          280     
   .   Chase Hanson          280     
  12   Laura Gibson          240     
   .   Felicia Marquez       240     
  14   Kohl Hanson           230    
  15   Thor Alexander        220     
  16   Grace Talmage         200     
  17   Micah Christenson     180     
   .   Jacob Stoner          180     
  19   Hannah Stoner         160     
   .   Julia Christenson     160     
  21   Savaya Hirdler        140     
  22   Mariah Zuccarelli     100     
   .   Margaret Alexander    100     
  24   Sarah Weieneth         80     
  25   Libby Gibson           60     
   .   Matthew Hirdler        60     
  27   Rebekah Nagel          40     
   .   Joel Snead             40     
   .   Nathan Christenson     40     
   .   Katie Scruggs          40     
  31   Jose Marquez           20     
   .   Hannah Nagel           20     
   .   Emily Scruggs          20     
   .   Laura Snead            20     
   .   Christina Marquez      20     
  36   Abigail Christenson     0     
   .   Angelica Novinger       0     
   .   Rebekah Novinger        0     
   .   Joshua Novinger         0     
   .   Joshua Meyer            0     
   .   Brynn Strange           0     
 A/B League Team results for Oct
   Monthly Results
                          Olympic Monthly
place Team                 Points  Points
===== ==================== ====== =======

   1  Convincing Proofs        57     810
   2  Actsion Packed           54     730
   3  Highly Improbable        54     720
   4  Heir Force               52     560
   5  Blood Fire and Billows   48     570
   6  Dorcas and the Forks     40     620
   7  Assembly of Confusion    39     520
   8  Arguing Persuasively     39     510
   9  Truth Seekers            38     560
  10  Yes Ma'am                36     430
  11  Greater Joy              31     370
  12  Ladies of the First Ce   25     320
  13  J3 Communications        24     320
  14  Fo'shizzle               20     280
  15  CFL                      17     210
  16  CROSS                     7      60
  17  Tongues of Fire           0       0

   Cumulative Results
                           Olympic  Total
place Team                  Points Points
===== ==================== ======= ======

   1  Convincing Proofs       57.0    810
   2  Actsion Packed          54.0    730
   3  Highly Improbable       54.0    720
   4  Heir Force              52.0    560
   5  Blood Fire and Billows  48.0    570
   6  Dorcas and the Forks    40.0    620
   7  Assembly of Confusion   39.0    520
   8  Arguing Persuasively    39.0    510
   9  Truth Seekers           38.0    560
  10  Yes Ma'am               36.0    430
  11  Greater Joy             31.0    370
  12  Ladies of the First Ce  25.0    320
  13  J3 Communications       24.0    320
  14  Fo'shizzle              20.0    280
  15  CFL                     17.0    210
  16  CROSS                    7.0     60
  17  Tongues of Fire          0.0      0