Friends of Quizzing- I hope you sensed a freshness to giving Christ's birth added attention outside the Christmas season! And she gave birth to her firstborn, a Son. She wrapped Him in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. (Luke 2:7) Thank you for all your help in working out the kinks at Saturday's Tournament! November will run more smoothly and everyone will have an even better time. Another big THANK YOU goes out to all the volunteer quizmasters, scorekeepers, tally-roomers, parents and coaches who make quizzing such a great eternal blessing for quizzers-- keep up the great work! There's still time to invite a friend! The season is just getting started 8) I believe I will have enough quizmasters next month to run TWO Novice League rooms so that quizzers will compete with closer matched abilities. Speaking of which, if you'd like to quizmaster or learn to quizmaster, please let me know-- we need more quizmasters because not every volunteer can make it every single tournament. Having reserves would make the day run smoother. My clothes still smell like campfire from the awesome fall gathering after the quiz-- the weather was perfect! Thanks to everyone who came and shared in the games, activities, food, fun and fellowship! Next months' fellowship event will be a Pot Luck in the fellowship hall at Emmanuel Baptist Church following the quiz. Bring a dish and deserts to share-- I'll post a signup when I send out the invitation for next month's tournament. Again speaking of which, remember we moved the November tournament to the third Saturday of the month: November 16th. Have a fantastic month and we'll see you back on November 16th! No need to re-register... invitations will be sent to all teams registered for October. Jim Benson Director Rochester Area Bible Quizzing P.S. If you notice any issues with how we recorded scores, drop me a note! -- a proud affiliate of Teen Hope Ministries