
Novice League Results for March

 Novice League Team results for Mar
   Monthly Results
                          Olympic Monthly
place Team                 Points  Points
===== ==================== ====== =======

   1  Rubber Duckies           59     820
   2  Flowers of the Field     53     730
   3  The E Angels             12     220

 Novice League Individual results for Mar
   Monthly Results
                         Monthly      OMC
place Quizzer             Points   verses
===== =================== ====== ========

   1  Abigail McMillin       440       13
   2  Tanner Laska           380        5
   3  Ella Ouverson          300       27
   4  Lydia Carlson          260       27
   5  Miriam Talmadge        120
   .  Seth Golley            120        5
   7  Erica VanDeWalker      100
   8  Elma Erding             20        5
   9  Hannah Logan             0
   .  Sawyer Laska             0
   .  Keagan McMillin          0

Little League Results for March

 Little League Team results for Mar
   Monthly Results
                          Olympic Monthly
place Team                 Points  Points
===== ==================== ====== =======

   1  Doubled-Edged Sword      65     970
   2  By Faith                 60     930
   3  MMD                      49     680
   4  The Christers            47     580
   5  The Lambs of God         39     490
   6  Roar                     36     450
   7  Living by Faith          17     250
   8  Quad God                 10      50

   Cumulative Results
                           Olympic  Total
place Team                  Points Points
===== ==================== ======= ======

   1  By Faith               558.0   8734
   2  Doubled-Edged Sword    502.8   7758
   3  The Christers          480.6   7020
   4  MMD                    387.8   5430
   5  Roar                   326.4   4416
   6  The Lambs of God       246.8   3434
   7  Living by Faith        232.4   3076
   8  Quad God               148.6   1880

 Little League Individual results for Mar
   Monthly Results
                         Monthly      OMC
place Quizzer             Points   verses
===== =================== ====== ========

   1  Elijah Hager           540       29
   2  Anna Carlson           520       48
   .  Faith Boyum            520       48
   4  Benjamin Carlson       490       48
   5  Matthias Faas          470       48
   6  Isaac Rain             340       11
   7  Evan Ouverson          280       29
   8  Evan Golley            240       11
   9  Michael Rohrssen       220       48
  10  Titus Christofferson   160       10
   .  Spencer Holzmann       160
  12  Joshua Hager           140       10
   .  Samuel Hager           140       10
   .  Emma Logan             140
  15  Kyle VanDeWalker       110       10
  16  Gabe Hager             100
   .  Eli Church             100
  18  Gloria Talmage          80
  19  Paeslee Holzmann        70       14
  20  Rebecca Ruona           60       10
   .  Hannah McMillin         60       18
  22  Michael Lucier          40
  23  Andrew Leonard           0
   .  Carson O'Connor          0
   .  Garrett O'Connor         0
   .  Cooper Frederick         0
   .  Luke Nienow              0
  np  Grace Kelle             np       48
  np  Sam Ouverson            np       14

 Little League Individual results for Mar
   Cumulative Results
                      Cumulative      OMC
place Quizzer             Points   verses
===== =================== ====== ========

   1  Benjamin Carlson      4848      307
   2  Elijah Hager          4812      196
   3  Faith Boyum           4188      231
   4  Anna Carlson          3776      263
   5  Matthias Faas         3532      249
   6  Grace Kelle           2800      307
   7  Isaac Rain            2304       41
   8  Evan Ouverson         2238      118
   9  Michael Rohrssen      2132      307
  10  Joshua Hager          1836       27
  11  Gabe Hager            1718       17
  12  Sam Ouverson          1356      114
  13  Kyle VanDeWalker      1200       30
  14  Titus Christofferson  1140       40
  15  Evan Golley            924       64
  16  Samuel Hager           922       25
  17  Hannah McMillin        856       92
  18  Spencer Holzmann       854       33
  19  Emma Logan             844       11
  20  Jonathan Carrick       800       10
  21  Carson O'Connor        790
  22  Eli Church             762
  23  Gloria Talmage         588       32
  24  Garrett O'Connor       400
  25  Michael Lucier         384
  26  Paeslee Holzmann       348       27
  27  Rebecca Ruona          284       50
  28  Valerie Sauder         224
   .  Luke Nienow            224       33
  30  Maria Nielsen          132
  31  James Carrick           88
  32  Grace Johnson           72
  33  Cooper Frederick         0
   .  Andrew Leonard           0

A/B League Results for March

 A/B League Team results for Mar
   Monthly Results
                          Olympic Monthly
place Team                 Points  Points
===== ==================== ====== =======

   1  Theophiloi               57     800
   2  Capstone Wannabes        52     760
   3  Aliens and Strangers     51     660
   4  By Faith & By Fire       47     840
   5  Memory Almost Full       40     570
   6  Q                        35     500
   7  Living Stones            30     490
   8  Grace EFC                18     290
   9  Refined by Fire           0       0

   Cumulative Results
                           Olympic  Total
place Team                  Points Points
===== ==================== ======= ======

   1  By Faith & By Fire     445.2   6666
   2  Aliens and Strangers   412.8   5862
   3  Living Stones          407.4   5850
   4  Theophiloi             402.4   5712
   5  Capstone Wannabes      400.4   5712
   6  Q                      336.2   4578
   7  Refined by Fire        327.4   4440
   8  Memory Almost Full     296.4   4494
   9  Grace EFC              199.8   2788

 A/B League Individual results for Mar
   Monthly Results
                         Monthly      OMC
place Quizzer             Points   verses
===== =================== ====== ========

   1  John Talmage           560       75
   2  Grace Boyum            520       75
   .  Kohl Hanson            520       75
   4  Joshua Stoner          480       75
   5  Daniel Weieneth        460
   6  Katie Roberts          440
   7  Jacob Stoner           320       75
   .  Nick Leonard           320
   9  Ben Carlile            240
  10  Christina Campos       220       75
  11  Ryan Golley            210
  12  Sarah Weieneth         200
   .  Alyssa Telecky         200
  14  Ashton Hanson          180
  15  Caleb Rain             160
  16  Taylor Hanson          140
   .  Gabriel Groothuis      140
  18  Hannah Stoner          100       75
   .  Thor Alexander         100
  20  Grace Talmage           60
  21  Rebecca Novinger        40       15
   .  Margaret Alexander      40
  23  Nolia Pingle             0
   .  Logan Adler              0

 A/B League Individual results for Mar
   Cumulative Results
                      Cumulative      OMC
place Quizzer             Points   verses
===== =================== ====== ========

   1  John Talmage          4802      469
   2  Grace Boyum           4718      469
   3  Kohl Hanson           4658      469
   4  Katie Roberts         4020
   5  Daniel Weieneth       3830
   6  Joshua Stoner         3734      168
   7  Sebastian Groothuis   2716
   8  Nick Leonard          2686
   9  Gabriel Groothuis     2060
  10  Abby Leonard          1980       77
  11  Sarah Weieneth        1832       67
  12  Ryan Golley           1792       30
  13  Alyssa Telecky        1724      210
  14  Ashton Hanson         1552       30
  15  Hannah Stoner         1536      469
  16  Ben Carlile           1396
  17  Jacob Stoner          1340      210
  18  Christina Campos      1284      166
  19  Grace Talmage          944      142
  20  Alan Talmage           928
  21  Taylor Hanson          912       15
  22  Caleb Rain             740
  23  Thor Alexander         656
  24  Stephen Carrick        516
  25  Margaret Alexander     492
  26  Rebecca Novinger       224       81
  27  Logan Adler             76
  28  Holly Rohrssen          60       59
  29  Micah vanDeusen         52       15
  30  Nolia Pingle             0       15