To the Bible Quizzing Family,

I’m sorry this note is getting out later than I wanted it to.  Regardless, it was still a terrific day of quizzing that we had 2-3 weeks ago.  I got to see a number of Little League quizzers stepping it up a notch and that was really satisfying.

Worship and Devotions:  A special thanks to Ben Raygor for leading us in worship and to Nick Leonard for sharing his heart in devotions.  We really appreciate all of you who minister in those ways.  We’ve still got some openings for February and March, so jump in there and take advantage of the opportunity.

Guests among us: You may recall that we had Bruce & Sharon Sunde, a couple from north-central Wisconsin, observing us throughout the day.  They are starting a quizzing program with just a couple of churches, and were here to get ideas on how to make it work.  I hope several of you had a chance to talk to them. If you did, I’m sure you represented us well, as they were ecstatic about what they saw here.  Some of the quiz committee went out to dinner with them afterwards for more fellowship and exchange of ideas, and it was a tremendous time.  They left with tons of ideas for their program, and with promises of seeing us again at the Chicago tournament.

Crown College Tournament: We’re back from a wonderful weekend at the Crown College Tournament.  It was a little smaller this year with 19 A-division teams and 17 B-division teams, but still a terrific time.  It is interesting to me that about 40% of the officials at the tournament were from our Rochester program, and it is obvious to me from the comments I heard that they were all greatly appreciated by quizzers and coaches alike.  It makes me proud to realize that our officials are that well received and respected.

And we had some quizzers/teams to be proud of too!

∙    Finishing 8th in the A-Gold division was an Iowa team consisting of Sebastian Groothuis, John Talmage, and Daniel Weieneth.
∙    Finishing 3rd in the A-Silver division was a Rochester team consisting of Thor Alexander, Grace Boyum, Ryan Golley, and Kohl Hanson.
∙    Finishing 7th in the B-Gold division was a mixed Iowa/Rochester team consisting of Margaret Alexander, Grace Talmage, and Sarah Weieneth.
∙    3 quizzers earned top-20 honors in the A-division:
    ∙    6th place - Grace Talmage
    ∙    19th place - Sebastian Groothuis
    ∙    20th place - John Talmage
You can find all of the tournament stats at

Chicago Tournament:  The Chicago Tournament is on the horizon, the weekend of March 24, again at First Baptist Church in Geneva, Ill.  We will start making registration plans during our February quiz, and will plan on wrapping up all of the details in March.  This tournament is for both leagues, and I would like to encourage as many of you to go as possible.  Be thinking about which quizzers would make up the teams, and who the coaches would be.  We can register at a lower rate ($65 per team) if we register before the March quiz, so I would like to register as many teams as possible at the February quiz, and make any necessary updates to the rosters at our March quiz.  If you’ve got a team ready to register, have your share of the team registration fee ready (non-refundable) at the February quiz and we’ll get you signed up.

February Quiz:  Our next quiz is coming up on February 11, at Emmanuel Baptist Church at 1:00 pm.  The A/B League will quiz over I Peter 1:1 - 4:19, the Little League over I Peter 1:1 - 3:7, and the Novice League over I Peter 1:3-9 and 2:1-15.  Points earned in the A/B and Little Leagues this meet will be multiplied by 180% when accumulated for the year.

February Fellowship:  Come early to the quiz, about noon, and bring your lunch.  We’ll enjoy a lunch fellowship together before we start the quizzing.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, suggestions, etc, about the quizzing program.  Thanks very much for your support!

Karl Kirkman
Bible Quizzing Director

January Little League Team and Individual Standings
January A/B League Team and Individual Standings