To the Bible Quizzing Family,
By all reports I heard, this was a really good quiz day, and seemingly
everyone especially enjoyed the extended break fellowship time. The
day took some unexpected turns for me, when it was discovered that I
had printed the November quizzes for the Little League, and had to go
home to print the right ones for December. Thankfully Elizabeth Cook
had come along to help Amy with the officiating, so she was able to
take my place, and it all worked out fine. I ended up spending most of
the day in the tally room, and got to join in the tail end of the
fellowship time.
Worship and Devotions: Thanks to Grace Boyum, Christina Campos,
and Grace Kelle for leading us in worship, and to Gabriel Groothuis for
sharing the devotions (which unfortunately I had to miss; I would like
to have heard what he had to say). I’m thrilled to see quizzers
sharing what God is doing in their lives, so keep up the good work!
We’re all set for January, but we still have some openings for February
and March, so if you have a desire to help in this way, please contact
Judy Boyum or myself.
Crown College Tournament: We have 2 A division teams and 1 B
division team going from among us. There is room on these teams for
another quizzer or two, so if you have an interest in going to the
tournament, let me know and I’ll see whether it is possible to still
get you registered.
Next Month: Our next quiz meet is coming up on January 7, at
1:00pm at Emmanuel Baptist Church. The A/B League will quiz over
Hebrews chapters 12 & 13, the Little League will quiz over Hebrews
12:14 - 13:21, and the Novice League over Hebrews 12:14 - 13:5. Points
earned in A/B and Little Leagues this meet will be multiplied by 160%
when accumulated for the year.
For our fellowship activity for January, we’re bringing back “Costume
Quizzing”. Feel free to dress up in a costume of some sort or wear a
goofy hat or whatever, and have some fun with it.
At this point we’re already half-way through the quizzing season and
about half-way through the material. So keep up the good work! It is
always tough to study over the Christmas holidays, and the January quiz
sneaks up on us before we’re aware of it, so do your best to stay on
top of it.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. Have
a blessed Christmas season, and I'll see you at the January
Karl Kirkman
Bible Quizzing Director