Novice League Team results for Jan
Monthly Results
Olympic Monthly
place Team Points Points
===== ==================== ====== =======
1 Wabasha Lets Go 44 640
2 Lambs of God 33 380
Novice League Individual results for Jan
Monthly Results
Monthly OMC
place Quizzer Points verses
===== =================== ====== ========
1 Spencer Holzmann 300
2 Isaac Rain 240 5
3 Gabe Hager 120
4 Tanner Laska 100
5 Cooper Frederick 80
6 Joshua Hager 70
7 Samuel Hager 20
Little League Team results for Jan
Monthly Results
Olympic Monthly
place Team Points Points
===== ==================== ====== =======
1 Light of the World 62 810
2 Fuzzy Lambs 60 830
3 Found the Messiah 42 580
4 Bear Much Fruit 41 490
5 Totally Different 31 400
6 Gethsemane Warriors 26 360
7 Quad G 23 220
8 Godly Girls 9 140
9 Grace & Truth 0 0
Cumulative Results
Olympic Total
place Team Points Points
===== ==================== ======= ======
1 Fuzzy Lambs 246.0 3428
2 Light of the World 179.4 2426
3 Found the Messiah 165.2 2256
4 Bear Much Fruit 164.4 2048
5 Totally Different 132.0 1774
6 Grace & Truth 75.0 888
7 Quad G 74.6 842
8 Gethsemane Warriors 41.6 576
9 Godly Girls 14.4 224
Little League Individual results for Jan
Monthly Results
Monthly OMC
place Quizzer Points verses
===== =================== ====== ========
1 Reba Landers 580 52
2 Taylor Hanson 390 52
3 Ashton Hanson 360 52
4 Grace Talmage 340 31
5 Faith Boyum 320 42
. Elijah Hager 320 10
7 Benjamin Carlson 280 52
8 Elijah Church 240
9 Matthias Faas 220 31
. Anna Carlson 220 20
11 Michael Rohrssen 200 52
12 Evan Ouverson 150 28
13 Sam Ouverson 130 22
14 Hannah McMillin 120 40
15 Valerie Sauder 100
. Titus Christofferson 100 10
17 Rebecca Ruona 80 10
. Johanna Holter 80 7
19 Paselle Holzmann 60 10
. Emma Logan 60 3
. Cassia Holter 60 7
. Gloria Talmage 60
23 Grace Johnson 40
24 Luke Nienow 20
. Evan Golley 20 10
26 Andrew Leonard 0
. Sarah Ruona 0 6
. Amanda Sauder 0
. Hannah Sloane 0
Little League Individual results for Jan
Cumulative Results
Cumulative OMC
place Quizzer Points verses
===== =================== ====== ========
1 Reba Landers 1796 198
2 Ashton Hanson 1668 198
3 Taylor Hanson 1636 198
4 Elijah Hager 1362 59
5 Benjamin Carlson 1276 198
6 Grace Talmage 1152 121
7 Michael Rohrssen 1000 102
8 Matthias Faas 720 125
9 Faith Boyum 652 113
10 Elijah Church 584
11 Anna Carlson 468 90
12 Hannah McMillin 420 186
. Alicia Groothuis 420
14 Solomon Groothuis 418 51
15 Valerie Sauder 396
16 Sam Ouverson 380 94
17 Evan Ouverson 342 92
18 Rebecca Ruona 268 40
19 Princess Groothuis 262
20 Grace Johnson 208
21 Antonio Groothuis 168
22 Gloria Talmage 160 10
. Titus Christofferso 160 20
. Maria Nielson 160 10
25 Johanna Holter 128 7
26 Emma Logan 96 9
. Cassia Holter 96 7
. Paselle Holzmann 96 20
29 Evan Golley 72 30
30 Jonathan Carrick 60 19
31 Luke Nienow 32
32 Emma Sunnarborg 24 17
. Andrew Leonard 24 23
. Hannah Sloane 24
35 Sarah Ruona 0 16
. Amanda Sauder 0
A/B League Team results for Jan
Monthly Results
Olympic Monthly
place Team Points Points
===== ==================== ====== =======
1 Warriors of Light 69 1010
2 Memory Almost Full 54 760
3 Why Not 53 800
4 Speaking Figuratively 51 800
5 Sons of Light 41 640
6 That Other Team 36 510
7 Voices in the Desert 29 430
8 Theophiloi 20 290
9 Walking on Water 7 100
10 Phoenix 0 0
Cumulative Results
Olympic Total
place Team Points Points
===== ==================== ======= ======
1 Warriors of Light 237.2 3618
2 Speaking Figuratively 213.6 3222
3 Why Not 199.4 2922
4 Sons of Light 190.6 2774
5 Memory Almost Full 168.0 2378
6 That Other Team 151.0 2300
7 Voices in the Desert 133.4 2110
8 Theophiloi 124.0 1934
9 Walking on Water 42.8 500
10 Phoenix 28.2 334
A/B League Individual results for Jan
Monthly Results
Monthly OMC
place Quizzer Points verses
===== =================== ====== ========
1 Alan Talmage 560 112
2 Caleb Rain 480
. Daniel Weieneth 480
. Kohl Hanson 480 112
5 Ben Weieneth 460
6 Grace Boyum 440 112
. Katie Roberts 440
8 Sebastian Groothuis 430
9 Ryan Golley 380 15
10 Abby Leonard 340
. Nick Leonard 340
12 John Talmage 290 112
13 Hannah Stoner 200 52
14 Holly Rohrssen 190 45
15 Noelle Adler 180
16 Gabriel Groothuis 160
17 Jacob Stoner 150 45
18 Josiah McMillin 140
19 Ben Carlile 100
20 Logan Adler 60
. Sarah Weieneth 60
. Lucas Menting 60
23 Mikael Sloane 20
24 Michael Johnson 0
. Benjamin Hager 0
A/B League Individual results for Jan
Cumulative Results
Cumulative OMC
place Quizzer Points verses
===== =================== ====== ========
1 Alan Talmage 2028 224
2 Ben Weieneth 1824
3 Grace Boyum 1736 478
4 Kohl Hanson 1724 478
5 Sebastian Groothuis 1600
6 Caleb Rain 1588
7 Ryan Golley 1492 30
8 John Talmage 1456 478
9 Abby Leonard 1452 252
10 Daniel Weieneth 1364 99
11 Katie Roberts 1144 112
12 Nick Leonard 1064 112
13 Joshua Stoner 776 83
14 Jacob Stoner 688 104
15 Hannah Stoner 676 99
. Gabriel Groothuis 676
17 Laura Weieneth 632 112
18 Noelle Adler 608
19 Holly Rohrssen 574 119
20 Josiah McMillin 532
21 Sarah Weieneth 268
22 Ben Carlile 256
23 Thor Alexander 240
24 Mark Scaffidi 216
25 Mikael Sloane 196
26 Lucas Menting 168
27 Logan Adler 164
28 Margaret Alexander 144
29 Gabe Leonard 120 15
. Linnea Larson 120
31 Erin Grout 72
32 Christina Campos 40 15
33 Alyssa Grout 24
34 Stephen Carrick 20
35 Michael Johnson 0
. Benjamin Hager 0
. Brittany Vincek 0