Novice League Team results for Oct
Olympic Monthly
place Team Points Points
===== ==================== ====== =======
1 Gethsemane Warriors 51 720
2 Wabasha Lets Go 41 690
3 Cowgirls 5 70
Novice League Individual results for Oct
Monthly OMC
place Quizzer Points verses
===== =================== ====== ========
1 Titus Christofferson 360 5
2 Gabe Hager 260 5
3 Luke Nienow 220 2
4 Joshua Hager 200 5
5 Tanner Laska 170 5
6 Emma Logan 80 3
7 Cassia Holter 60
8 Sarah Ruona 20 5
. Samuel Hager 20 5
Little League Team results for Oct
Monthly Results
Olympic Monthly
place Team Points Points
===== ==================== ====== =======
1 Fuzzy Lambs 66 960
2 Bear Much Fruit 52 640
3 Found the Messiah 44 560
4 Light of the World 43 590
5 Grace & Truth 39 420
6 Wabasha 26 390
7 Bubblegum 15 190
Cumulative Results
Olympic Total
place Team Points Points
===== ==================== ======= ======
1 Fuzzy Lambs 66.0 960
2 Bear Much Fruit 52.0 640
3 Found the Messiah 44.0 560
4 Light of the World 43.0 590
5 Grace & Truth 39.0 420
6 Wabasha 26.0 390
7 Bubblegum 15.0 190
Little League Individual results for Oct
Monthly Results
Monthly OMC
place Quizzer Points verses
===== =================== ====== ========
1 Taylor Hanson 520 51
2 Reba Landers 460 51
3 Ashton Hanson 420 51
4 Michael Rohrssen 380 10
5 Elijah Hager 370 16
6 Grace Talmage 320 51
7 Benjamin Carlson 300 51
8 Solomon Groothuis 250 51
9 Alicia Groothuis 240
10 Matthias Faas 200 31
11 Valerie Sauder 140
. Faith Boyum 140 38
13 Princess Groothuis 130
14 Sam Ouverson 100 14
15 Elijah Church 80
16 Jonathan Carrick 60 19
. Hannah McMillin 60 51
18 Gloria Talmage 40 10
. Evan Golley 40 10
. Maria Nielson 40 10
21 Evan Ouverson 30 6
22 Rebecca Ruona 20 10
. Anna Carlson 20 15
24 Hannah Sloane 0
. Antonio Groothuis 0
. Andrew Leonard 0 23
. Emma Sunnarborg 0 7
. Grace Johnson 0
. Amanda Sauder 0
Little League Individual results for Oct
Cumulative Results
Cumulative OMC
place Quizzer Points verses
===== =================== ====== ========
1 Taylor Hanson 520 51
2 Reba Landers 460 51
3 Ashton Hanson 420 51
4 Michael Rohrssen 380 10
5 Elijah Hager 370 16
6 Grace Talmage 320 51
7 Benjamin Carlson 300 51
8 Solomon Groothuis 250 51
9 Alicia Groothuis 240
10 Matthias Faas 200 31
11 Valerie Sauder 140
. Faith Boyum 140 38
13 Princess Groothuis 130
14 Sam Ouverson 100 14
15 Elijah Church 80
16 Jonathan Carrick 60 19
. Hannah McMillin 60 51
18 Gloria Talmage 40 10
. Evan Golley 40 10
. Maria Nielson 40 10
21 Evan Ouverson 30 6
22 Rebecca Ruona 20 10
. Anna Carlson 20 15
24 Hannah Sloane 0
. Antonio Groothuis 0
. Andrew Leonard 0 23
. Emma Sunnarborg 0 7
. Grace Johnson 0
. Amanda Sauder 0
A/B League Team results for Oct
Monthly Results
Olympic Monthly
place Team Points Points
===== ==================== ====== =======
1 Sons of Light 59 850
2 Voices in the Desert 57 930
3 Why Not 57 730
4 Memory Almost Full 54 790
. Speaking Figuratively 54 790
6 Warriors of Light 50 850
7 Theophiloi 50 810
8 That Other Team 43 680
9 Walking on Water 16 160
10 Phoenix 9 130
Cumulative Results
Olympic Total
place Team Points Points
===== ==================== ======= ======
1 Sons of Light 59.0 850
2 Voices in the Desert 57.0 930
3 Why Not 57.0 730
4 Memory Almost Full 54.0 790
. Speaking Figuratively 54.0 790
6 Warriors of Light 50.0 850
7 Theophiloi 50.0 810
8 That Other Team 43.0 680
9 Walking on Water 16.0 160
10 Phoenix 9.0 130
A/B League Individual results for Oct
Monthly Results
Monthly OMC
place Quizzer Points verses
===== =================== ====== ========
1 Ben Weieneth 560
2 John Talmage 500 112
. Abby Leonard 500 112
. Laura Weieneth 500 112
. Joshua Stoner 500
6 Grace Boyum 480 112
7 Alan Talmage 460 112
. Caleb Rain 460
9 Katie Roberts 440 112
10 Sebastian Groothuis 420
11 Ryan Golley 380
. Kohl Hanson 380 112
13 Noelle Adler 320
14 Nick Leonard 280 112
15 Hannah Stoner 260
. Daniel Weieneth 260 99
17 Gabriel Groothuis 180
18 Holly Rohrssen 150 15
19 Mikael Sloane 140
. Josiah McMillin 140
21 Gabe Leonard 120 15
. Mark Scaffidi 120
23 Sarah Weieneth 100
. Jacob Stoner 100
25 Christina Campos 40
26 Stephen Carrick 20
. Logan Adler 20
28 Benjamin Hager 0
. Brittany Vincek 0
A/B League Individual results for Oct
Cumulative Results
Cumulative OMC
place Quizzer Points verses
===== =================== ====== ========
1 Ben Weieneth 560
2 John Talmage 500 112
. Abby Leonard 500 112
. Laura Weieneth 500 112
. Joshua Stoner 500
6 Grace Boyum 480 112
7 Alan Talmage 460 112
. Caleb Rain 460
9 Katie Roberts 440 112
10 Sebastian Groothuis 420
11 Ryan Golley 380
. Kohl Hanson 380 112
13 Noelle Adler 320
14 Nick Leonard 280 112
15 Hannah Stoner 260
. Daniel Weieneth 260 99
17 Gabriel Groothuis 180
18 Holly Rohrssen 150 15
19 Mikael Sloane 140
. Josiah McMillin 140
21 Gabe Leonard 120 15
. Mark Scaffidi 120
23 Sarah Weieneth 100
. Jacob Stoner 100
25 Christina Campos 40
26 Stephen Carrick 20
. Logan Adler 20
28 Benjamin Hager 0
. Brittany Vincek 0