To the Bible Quizzing Family,
I particularly enjoyed the day of quizzing because (1) I saw a lot of
good quizzing, (2) I saw a lot of enthusiasm with kids having fun, and
(3) I saw some of our newer quizzers starting to get it. Surely it
brings our Heavenly Father much joy when we desire to be in his Word.
What could be better?
Worship and Devotions: A special thanks to Lisa Albrecht for
leading us in worship and to Christina Block for a very practical
devotional illustrating how God works when our hearts are open to Him.
Chicago Tournament: The tournament is March 25-27 at First
Baptist Church in Geneva, Illinois, where it has been held for the last
few years. So far we’ve got one Little League team registered and
hopefully there are more of you who would plan on going. For those who
have not registered yet, the team registration fee will be $80. You
will need to plan on paying your share of that and filling out your
waivers at our March quiz. Other costs will include transportation,
food, and 2 nights in the hotel. I’ll have hotel information available
for you when we meet, but in the meantime you can also find hotel
information online at
Verse-A-Thon: I’d like to encourage quizzers to participate in
this, to help raise funds for the quizzing program, but especially
towards your Chicago Tournament expenses. You can turn in the money
you raise at any time, but in order to have it go towards your expenses
for the Chicago Tournament, you need to turn it in by the time we leave
for the tournament. We will have sign-up sheets available at the March
quiz meet.
Coaches Meeting: We’ll have a Coaches Meeting at our March
quiz. I’d like any comments you may have about how the program has
gone this year, as well as any suggestions for things we could or
should do to improve the program next year. Coaches, quizmasters, and
scorekeepers, please be thinking about this ahead of time and plan to
attend that meeting so we can hear from all of you.
Finances: We haven’t had many donations this year, but we’ve
also been doing fairly well because of large donations in previous
years, so we’ve been in pretty good shape. But the end of the year is
coming, and we’ll need to purchase trophies and OMC awards, pay for
our insurance, and for advertizing/publicity next year. If you are
willing to help us with a donation at our next quiz, it would be
greatly appreciated. You can send donations to the Youth For Christ
office with “Bible Quizzing” designated on the memo line if you’d like
a receipt; otherwise you can give them directly to me (checks made out
to Youth For Christ Bible Quizzing). Thank you very much for however
you are able to help out.
March Quiz: Our last quiz meet of the season is coming up on
March 12, at Emmanuel Baptist Church at 1:00 pm. Points earned that
day will be multiplied by 200% when accumulated toward the yearly
total. The A/B League will quiz over John chapters 18-21, the Little
League over John 19:28 - 20:31, and the Novice League over John 19:28 -
20:9. We will close out the year with a Pizza Party at the church, for
all who would like to attend. Besides the pizza, it'll be a fun way to
celebrate the completion of the quizzing year together. The cost will
be $5-6 per person. When we start the day, we'll need a count of
everyone planning to stay, so please make sure that everyone you
represent is accounted for. There will be a sign-up sheet on the
information table.
Please encourage other people you know who you think would have an
interest in quizzing to drop in throughout the afternoon at our March
quiz to observe what quizzing is all about. Invite them to stay for
pizza (on us) and enjoy the fellowship.
Karl Kirkman
Bible Quizzing Director