To the Bible Quizzing Family,
The weather wasn’t nearly as bad as we had thought it might be, and so
we are thankful that everyone was able to make it to the quiz meet
without any real difficulty. I continue to be amazed at the
faithfulness of those who come from quite a distance to the quizzes.
It was a good day to be together to both challenge and encourage one
another in our quizzing and understanding of the Scriptures.
Pizza at Mr. Pizza: A good number of people stayed afterwards
for pizza. Our plans had to change at the last minute as we set this
up, so it was unfortunate that we couldn’t get seating together.
Still, it was nice to see some friendly faces at the restaurant and to
fellowship a bit. Hopefully if we do this again next year, we’ll be
able to have a place to ourselves.
Setup and Cleanup: A big “Thank you” to the Rain and Albrecht
families and friends who came early to set up, and to the Boyum and
Golley families who stayed to clean up. Many hands make light work,
and so we appreciate all of you who do this.
Devotions and Worship: Also a big “Thank you” to the Groothuis
family who led us in worship, and to the Staged Reaction drama team
from Crossroads College who performed a couple of thought-provoking
short dramas for our devotional time.
Crown College Tournament: Crown College is in St. Bonifacius,
Mn, about 30 miles west of the Twin Cities. The tournament will be
January 14-15, 2011 (Martin Luther King weekend). Plan to arrive
Friday night at 5:00pm for registration and supper, with quizzing
starting afterwards. The tournament should end about 9:30pm on
Saturday, so it will be a late-night drive home. This tournament is
primarily for our A/B quizzers, but if there are Little League quizzers
who would like to go, knowing that our program will not have covered
quite a bit of the material the tournament covers, they are welcome
too. Here are some specific details:
• Registration and full non-refundable payment are due when we meet
for our December quiz. Please try to work out your team arrangements,
including coaches, ahead of time.
• We would like to take entire teams. Where that is not possible,
we will combine individual quizzers into other teams. There are “A”
and “B” divisions, and you will need to decide which division is
appropriate for you.
• Registration fees are $55 per person, for quizzers, coaches, and
spectators, $50 if you stay off campus (no breakfast). For families
with multiple people going, the fee per person drops to $45 for the
third and fourth in the family, and there is no charge for any beyond
four. Make your checks out to Rochester YFC Bible Quizzing.
• The tournament will cover John 1:1 - 11:57. We will not have
quizzed over chapter 11 at our January quiz, so quizzers will have to
cram for that chapter the week before the tournament.
• You will need to bring sleeping bags and your own personal items.
We will be sleeping on the floor of dormitory rooms and/or lounges.
School will be in session, so we’ll be part of normal college weekend
• We will need some adults to go as coaches and/or drivers.
Next Month: Our next quiz meet is coming up on December 11, at
1:00pm at Emmanuel Baptist Church. The A/B League will quiz over John
6:41 - 8:30, the Little League over John 10:22-42 and 13:1-17, and the
Novice League over John 10:1-21. In the A/B and Little Leagues, points
earned in this meet will be multiplied by 140% when accumulated for the
Christmas Treats: Please bring Christmas goodies to share.
We’ll set up some tables in the Fellowship Hall and take an extended
break where we all can sample the various goodies.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. And,
thank you for your support of Bible Quizzing.
Karl Kirkman
Bible Quizzing Director
November Novice League Team and Individual Standings
November Little League Team and Individual Standings
November A/B League Team and Individual Standings